On GE’s Pathological Aversion To Paying Taxes
In today’s NYT, in a surprising critique of the company that is the right arm of Obama’s administration, there is finally an extensive focus piece on how GE, which made $ 14.2 billion in 2010 ($ 5.1 billion of which came from the US), paid, wait for it, zero taxes in 2010. NYT summarizes this odd quandary as follows: “Its extraordinary success is based on an aggressive strategy that mixes fierce …
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TAXES: Ten things to know about farm income and deductions
If you have a farming business, there are several tax issues to consider before filing your federal tax return. The IRS has compiled a list of 10 things that farmers may want to know.
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Just one Cumberland County commissioner candidate pledges to not raise taxes if elected
During a candidates forum in Carlisle tonight, only South Middleton Twp. Supervisor Bryan Gembusia, a Republican, said he won’t vote to raise taxes if elected to a four-year term as county commissioner.
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