No reason why doing the taxes can’t be fun time
This year, I have decided to put on a happy face where the taxes are concerned. In other years, I have not worn the happy face at tax time. In other years, let’s just say, I have looked forward to doing the taxes as much as I looked forward to, oh, a Monday at work following two weeks on Maui.
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Parnell seeks to apply public pressure on taxes
BECKY BOHRER Associated Press JUNEAU, Alaska Gov. Sean Parnell is taking his case for lower oil taxes to the public, trying to sway Senate leaders now seemingly unconvinced that his plan is in Alaska’s best interest. Parnell told the Juneau Rotary Club that doing nothing isn’t an option. He says Alaskans have seen what the status quo looks like and he says that’s an empty pipeline. Parnell has …
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Story Pitch: Hoping Possible Government Shutdown Will Excuse You from Filing Taxes
Although legislators in the nations capital cant seem to agree on much lately, the one thing everyone can agree on is that taxes will be due April 18, partial government shutdown or not. The idea of a possible partial shutdown may raise the following tax-related questions with your audience:Will this affect filing proceduresWill I still get my refundWill the amount of taxes…
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