Obama plans to cut taxes. And raise them, too.

Obama plans to cut taxes. And raise them, too. Will the president’s 10-year budget proposal actually reduce the deficit? Read more on The Christian Science Monitor Tax extensions, property taxes How many of the voters who would vote for extending our tax...

Tax Attorney Benefits

Whilst taxpayers have the right to talk terms directly with the IRS, it’s frequently a beneficial idea to employ a professional person, such as a lawyer, to represent you in the dialogues. Yet, there are a few cases where a taxpayer perchance is better off doing...

Super Saturday A Time For Taxes

Super Saturday A Time For Taxes Volunteers in Berks County are working to help people get their taxes done on time. Read more on WFMZ Eastern Pennsylvania and Western New Jersey City dreams buckle under taxes’ weight Falling home values and rising property taxes...

Taxes not as high as you might think

Taxes not as high as you might think WASHINGTON – Taxes too high? Actually, as a share of the nation’s economy, Uncle Sam’s take this year will be the lowest since 1950, when the Korean War was just getting under way. And for the third straight year,...

Property taxes going up nearly 8 percent in Seattle

Property taxes going up nearly 8 percent in Seattle King County residents will receive their 2011 property tax bills next week – and people in Seattle will see their levy go up nearly 8 percent. Read more on seattlepi.com Property taxes go up for many owners...

Latest Taxes News

High taxes, housing costs spur black exits Thomas Reynolds’ grandmother relocated from Montclair to Delaware several years ago, and she told him that her combined property taxes, car insurance and health care in her new state cost less than her former property taxes...