High taxes, housing costs spur black exits
Thomas Reynolds’ grandmother relocated from Montclair to Delaware several years ago, and she told him that her combined property taxes, car insurance and health care in her new state cost less than her former property taxes in the township.
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Sales Taxes on the Internet: Is This the Year We’ll Pay?
In 1998, Congress enacted the Internet Tax Freedom Act, effectively banning sales taxes on sales on the Internet, with some exceptions. Its purpose was to encourage and foster the growth of Internet business. Given that Internet sales will reach about $ 250 billion in 2011, many states and the U.S. Congress are now considering reforming the Internet Tax Freedom Act to allow for Internet sales …
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Taxes under Obama: What it means to you.
Taxpayers at most income levels have seen their federal income taxes drop under President Barack Obama. A comparison of tax bills for 2010, which must be filed this spring, with bills from 2008, the last full year of George W. Bush’s presidency:
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