Patent for New Tax System, Published on, Could Save U.S. Taxpayers $ 900 Billion to $ 1.5 Trillion
North Hollywood, CA (PRWEB) April 6, 2005
On April 1, a small business owner named Alf Temme electronically filed an intellectual property patent, this is no April Fools joke. The patent, which is published on, is for a new tax system that could save taxpayers an estimated $ 900 billion to $ 1.5 trillion, or 10% to 16% of GNP. On top of that, it would save taxpayers a lot of headaches and anxiety and they would not be subjected to tax audits ever.
The objective of TemmeÂ?s invention is an elegantly simple money transfer transaction tax system that can replace all of the current federal, state, and local taxes with a single privacy preserving tax that does not require record keeping and filing of tax returns for individuals, small businesses and large corporate tax payers.
If all of this sounds too good to be true, Temme invites you to download a copy of all 92 pages of his tax patent filing and see for yourself that this is the first realistic proposal for a complete long awaited tax overhaul.
Temme says, Â?It is hard to figure out what kind of money potential there would be in an invention like this. The reason I wanted it patented is so the contents of the tax proposal cannot be twisted around by the vested interests that would like to maintain the status-quo to preserve their interest by keeping the very cumbersome tax systems exactly the way they are.Â?
Temme then took the unusual step of publishing the intellectual property patent for his invention on a new website, From the website you can download the complete 92-page patent application in pdf format.
The small business owner says, Â?By reading the text of my patent you will find that this tax solution is far more realistic than a flat income tax, national sales tax, or value added tax because it will eliminate all other taxes as well and create a system that requires absolutely no paperwork or record keeping by anyone or any business.Â?
Temme says, Â?I know this sounds too good to be true, but is absolutely so. I created the invention because of some of the abuses I have suffered during audits of my small family business. Many small businesses are put out of business by any of the many taxing authorities that require flawless record keeping from people who do not have the required expertise to keep perfect records.Â?
He adds, Â?The heavy administrational burden of current taxation schemes also keeps a lot of young people from starting small businesses for themselves. It is just too daunting for them to deal with all this miserable paperwork and record keeping.Â?
For a copy of the 92-page description of the new method of taxation and tax collection, go to
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